Wednesday, October 20, 2010

No Longer Private

In case you actually are still trying to check our blog and didn't get permission to view it, you're in luck, I've de-privatized it.  I actually made it private because in today's economy there are a few jobs for many candidates.  Because of this, they have to look for anything and everything to rule people out...this sparse record of Rachel and I's dealings isn't a poor reflection of us, but it's a reflection nonetheless.  Oh, and my grammar is sloppy, sometimes intentionally so, and not a representation of my legal drafting skills...but you know a few people would've pulled out a printed blog post in an interview and said "so how can I hire you knowing you'll be professional in all you do when your blog entry contains a run-on sentence and you mixed up 'there' and 'their' Mr. Poulsen?" And yes, there are a few people I interviewed with that I'm sure would've said that, using finger air quotes and all...

All that mental meandering aside, the long of the short, or short of the long, is that our blog is public again for all to enjoy, mock, ridicule, stalk, and vicariously live through...although I don't know why on that last one, our lives are pretty typical, fairly boring, and overly busy.

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